
Film Virgin 3

Film Virgin 3

Satu Malam Mengubah Segalanya adalah film drama Indonesia yang dirilis pada 17 Maret 2011 dengan disutradarai oleh Nayato Fio Nuala yang dibintangi oleh Irish Bella dan Alex Abbad.

Full Movie Virgin 3



Awalnya, Dini, Tika, Sherry dan Putri hanya berencana merayakan malam terakhir Putri sebelum keberangkatannya untuk melanjutkan sekolah di Melbourne. Atas ide Sherry, walaupun mereka masih di bawah umur, dengan bantuan seorang fotografer Tyo, akhirnya mereka berhasil masuk ke club yang sangat eksklusif. Di sanalah kekacauan mulai terjadi. Anak-anak yang belum pernah mencoba kehidupan malam diberi minuman, dan ternyata banyak kejutan yang menanti mereka.
Mereka harus menghadapi berbagai tipe orang-orang di kehidupan malam yang mencoba memanfaatkan kenaifan dan kepolosan mereka. Sampai akhirnya begitu keesokan pagi, Dini cs terbangun di sebuah hotel dalam keadaan berantakan. Anak-anak ini pun panik, apalagi mereka dikejar oleh Allan, pria misterius yang sepertinya tidak putus asa untuk bisa menangkap mereka. Dini sendiri tersadar kalau ia berkenalan dengan Ben, vokalis band terkenal di malam yang sama. Sherry bangun dalam keadaan luka-luka. Sementara itu Tika malah bangun dengan memakai baju yang bukan miliknya. Sedangkan Putri hilang diculik saat mereka berusaha lari dari kejaran Allan

200 Pounds Beauty

Film 200 Pounds Beauty

Adalah film komedi asal Korea Selatan berdasarkan manga Jepang Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu (カンナさん大成功です!) oleh Yumiko Suzuki. Film ini menceritakan tentang seorang gadis gemuk yang ingin menjadi bintang musik pop.

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Air Terjun Pengantin (Bride's Waterfall)

Film Air Terjun Pengantin

Air Terjun Pengantin adalah film jagal dari Indonesia yang dirilis pada 3 Desember 2009 yang disutradarai oleh Rizal Mantovani dan dibintangi oleh Tamara Bleszynski, Marcel Chandrawinata, Mirasih Tyas Endah, Kieran Shidu, Navy Rizky Tavania, dan Andrew Ralph Roxburgh.

Full Movie Air terjun Pengantin

Film diawali dengan dukun ilmu hitam bertopeng yang menculik seorang wanita untuk dijadikan pengantinnya. Sang dukun dikejar warga setempat hingga ia terpojok ke sebuah air terjun. Karena wanita disebelahnya terus memberontak, sang dukun melempar wanita itu ke air terjun. Lalu, sang dukun menyusulnya jatuh, dan dukun yang masih hidup itu melihat wanitanya yang sudah meninggal dan frustasi, lalu membunuh seluruh warga.
Tiara (Tamara Bleszynski) adalah seorang mantan atlet wushu karena kecelakaan yang membuat dirinya mengalami phobia terhadap gelap. Untuk menyegarkan diri, Tiara dan kekasihnya Lilo (Kieran Shidu) mengajak sepupunya Mandy (Navy Rizky Tavania) untuk pergi berlibur bersama teman-teman Mandy, yaitu; Amy (Mirasih Tyas Endah), Dynar(Nanie Darham), Bram (Andrew Ralph Roxburgh), Icang (Marcel Chandrawinata) dan Statchie (Jenny Cortez). Kedelapan orang ini menaiki dua buah kapal untuk sampai ke Pulau Pengantin yang berisikan Air Terjun Pengantin, sebuah air terjun yang apabila kita mengharapkan sesuatu disana, nanti akan terjadi. Ditengah perjalanan ke Air Terjun, Lilo menceritakan asal muasal nama Pulau Pengantin yang terjadi di awal film. Setelah bermain sejenak di pantai, mereka menuju ke Air Terjun Pengantin dengan doa mereka masing-masing. Dinar yang kembali duluan untuk beristirahat, dibunuh oleh Jelangkung Mancung, nama alias penjahat dan dukun (yang tertulis di kredit pembuka film) di kapal setelah nahkoda kapal dibunuh. Lalu, Dynar terbangun di rumah sang dukun dan disiksa sebelum kepalanya ditancapkan sebuah golok. Statchie juga merasakan hal yang sama namun tidak diindahkannya.
Setelah bermain di Air Terjun Pengantin, mereka berjalan disekitar hutan dan menemukan Pabrik Pengalengan Ikan yang sudah ditutup. Karena kecapekan, Lilo dan Tiara tidak ikut yang lainnya untuk mengeksplorasi Pabrik itu. Mereka berlima melihat ada pancuran disana dan para cewek segera mandi. Karena Icang yang diketahui mengintip mereka mandi, mereka memutuskan untuk menyudahinya. Tapi Stacy, pacar Bram, masih ingin lebih lama. Brampun menemaninya dan Amy serta Mandy pergi duluan. Bram dan Statchie dibunuh oleh Jelangkung Mancung dan tubuh mereka dibawa ke rumah si dukun, namun mayat Statchie dipisahkan dari mayat Bram karena mayat Statchie harus dipisah. Icang yang disuruh menunggu Bram, melihat tempat pancuran yang bermandikan darah dan mengikuti jejak darah yang membawanya ke tempat si dukun. Icang melihat semua pembunuhan itu dan segera lari ketakutan ke dermaga. Ia menceritakan semuanya, kecuali Tiara, lainnya berjaga dengan senjata dan memasuki pulau kembali untuk membuktikan kebenaran cerita Icang. Sore menjadi malam, Tiara yang berada di kapal diserang Jelangkung Mancung dan Tiara kabur ke dalam Pulau dan bersembunyi dan menemukan mayat Statchie yang sudah berpindah kehutan.
Lilo, Icang, Amy, dan Mandy menemukan rumah dukun dan melihat mayat teman-teman mereka. Mereka panik dan lari menuju dermaga. Ketika berada di hutan, Lilo terbunuh. Ketiga yang lainpun berlari lagi dan memutuskan untuk bersembunyi di rumah si dukun. Disana Icang nekat berkelahi dengan Jelangkung Mancung yang akhirnya membunuh Icang. Tapi kesempatan itu digunakan Mandy dan Amy untuk kabur dan berlari. Tiara ditemukan oleh si dukun dan berakhir dibuat pingsan. Tiara terbangun dan menemukan dirinya diikat di pohon yang berada di tengah-tengah Air Terjun Pengantin. Rupanya sang dukun mengira Tiara adalah pengantinnya dan Tiara diberikan ritual seperti ini. Untuk membereskan sisanya, Jelangkung Mancung pergi ke dalam lagi untuk membunuh Mandy dan Amy. Terjadilah pengejaran, Mandy berhasil kabur dan Amy mengorbankan dirinya untuk dibunuh sang dukun. Tiara berhasil meloloskan diri dari air terjun dan kembali ke kapal dan membawa alat tajam. Ia sempat bertemu Mandy, tapi keduanya ditarik oleh sang dukun ke air terjun lagi.
Tiara dan Jelangkung Mancungpun menyelesaikan pertarungan mereka. Tiara bertanya apa kesalahan mereka, dan dukun itu menjawab bahwa satu-satunya kesalahan mereka adalah mendatangi dirinya. Lalu, sang dukun ditusuk oleh Mandy diperut, tapi ternyata dukun itu punya ilmu kebal. Tiarapun mengambil gunting yang ada disakunya dan menancapkannnya ke kepala sang dukun, membuatnya mati. Film berakhir dengan Tiara dan Mandy yang dijemput oleh Penjaga Pantai.

Forbidden Quest

Forbidden Quest movie

Forbidden Quest (음란서생) is a 2006 South Korean drama. The story recounts part of the life of a scholar, during the Joseon Dynasty, who begins to write erotic novels, and becomes the lover of the King's favorite concubine. Approximately 2,200,000 people saw the film in Korea.
The film has not been released in Europe or America, and is only available on region 3 DVDs since May 27, 2006.



At the start of the film, Kim Yoon-Seo, an Inspections officer (police inspector) is seen at his home where his brother has been beaten almost to death. His family wants to submit a false appeal to the king accusing the family of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Lim family. The Lim family had by the past submitted a false appeal against Yoon-Seo's family. However Yoon-Seo does not wish to submit such an appeal, much to the anger of his elders.
He returns to the court where the King hands him an important assignment. The King's concubine, Jung-bin, had a painting she had drawn mounted, but it was replaced by an exct copy, she only realised because of the lack of a scribble she had drawn on the back. The King would like Yoon-Suh to find the culprits. Yoon-seo is impressed by the talent of the artist who made the fraudulent copy. Jung-bin is in turn impressed by Yoon-Seo's knowledge on the subject and invites him to talk to her some more about art some day.
Yoon-Suh teams up with Lee Gwang-hun, an inspector who likes to torture people in his dungeons, to try to hunt down the culprit. They enter a shop in their search for the criminal. In the basement Yoon-Seo encounters an old man transcribing an erotic story book. Back upstairs a group of men from the village enter the shop and engages in a fight with Gwang-hun, who beats them away with his truncheon, however Yoon-Suh is knocked out so Gwang-hun takes him back to his house with him. When Yoon-Suh awakes he admires Gwang-huns painting artwork. Back at the shop the old man confesses to Yoon-Seo that he does not wish to protect the mounter either, but that one of his friends is involved and he does not wish to betray him. After Yoon-Seo has promised to protect his identity, the old man gives him an address he may go to. Out of curiosity before he leaves he reads few verses from the book the old man is reproducing. He is at first outraged by the content (pornography being illegal at the time), but when the old man says the whole city is waiting for the book he shows some interest and perhaps embarrassment about never having heard of the author. He reports later to the King that he found the culprits and had each flogged fifty times.
Jung-bin invites him around for tea, to thank him. When a bee lands on her he violates all protocol risking his death, by going beyond the curtain and brushing it off her shoulder. Jung-bin however does not report his attitude, and thanks him instead. She also appears to be very fond of him.
Yoon-Seo writes an indecent book himself and returns to the shop to present to the shop keeper, asking him to read it. The shopkeeper, Hwang is impressed and they decide to copy and sell his work. His book becomes a best seller.
To get his books to sell better he asks Lee Gwang-hun to illustrate them for him. At first he is outraged but in the end accepts. Meanwhile Jung-bin sends him an embroidered kerchief, by means of her eunuch, who asks him to not accept the present, or else Jung-bin will be wanting to meet him. He does accept though, and later meets Jung-bin, in private. They start to cuddle, but Yoon-Seo leaves when she attempts to kiss him.
The illustrator has trouble understanding some of the things he is supposed to draw, so next time Yoon-Seo meets Jung-bin, he has him hide behind a wall, and spy on them while they have sex. Yoon-Seo writes about his affair with Jung-bin in his next book. When she forces the one of her maids to tell her, she goes to the shop and confronts Yoon-Seo. She tells him to divulge the name of the illustrator Gwang-hun. However he refuses to betray him.
Jung-bin has Yoon-Seo sent to the town prison, the prison for which Gwang-hun the illustrator is responsible. In the presence of Jung-bin, Yoon-seo is tied to the ceiling and severerly beaten with sticks.
Gwang-hun wishes to stop but Jung-bin decides to call the matter to the King's attention. They tie Yoon-Seo to a contraption, and Gwang-hun turns the handle until the bones of his legs snap in half. The King is satisfied with the torture but Jung-bin wants to continue, after their meal. During meal time Gwang-hun removes him from jail, so he can escape with the help of the book publisher, the shopkeeper. However Jung-bin's eunuch follows them and a fight ensues in between the people from the shop and a group of warriors the eunuch brought along. The shopkeepers are no match for the warriors, however Gwang-hun does put up a good fight. In the end he is beaten but is forced to leave with the people from the shop while the eunuch takes Yoon-seo back to his jail. Gwang-hun is left alive because Yoon-seo threatens to claim the eunuch is the illustrator, which would be possible because he did come with Jung-bin to all their meetings. On the way back the eunuch becomes more worried about what Yoon-seo may say and attempts to kill him. One of his warriors however chops off his hand to avoid him stabbing Yoon-seo. The eunuch is shocked and the warrior asks him why he disobeyed an order. The eunuch tells him he had an order from his heart also (he is secretly in love with Jung-bin, and became a eunuch to stay with her); at which point the warriors shoves his dagger through the top of his shoulder and down through his heart.
Yoon-seo is brought back to the palace and to Jung-bin and the King. Jung-bin decides he has had enough. The King asks her about her sudden change of mind. And tells her how he knows that what she had wanted Yoon-seo to say all along was not the name of the illustrator, bu that he loved her. The King can not understand why he did not lie and say he loved her.
The King tells the servant to castrate him and make him a eunuch so he may be with Jung-bin for the rest of his life, even though the operation may kill him due to his age. Jung-bin intervenes and takes all the blame saying she used her influence to seduce him. Yoon-seo then confesses his love to her. Jung-bin says she will wait till they meet again in the next life. The King is overcome by anger and grief, as he was most in love with her, and at first wants to personally kill both Jung-bin and Yoon-seo. He decides against this though, as he realizes that it would be useless as they would just be reunited in the afterlife, and leaves them both alive.
At the end Yoon-seo is sent to live in exile on an island, where he continues to write. Jung-bin remains at the palace "to rot". Later it is revealed that the words "indecent" were branded on Yoon-seo's forehead as part of his punishment.
The film ends with Yoon-seo, Gwang-hun and the shopkeeper walking along the shore, talking about future works, which include their first homosexual male erotic story, and even the discovery by Yoon-seo of the basic principles of animation or "moving pictures" .

Maybe / 토끼와 리저드


May has a lot of questions about her past. Adopted by American parents 23 years ago, she returns to Korea to try to find her birth mother with only a few clues – an old address and a lizard-shaped scar on her shoulder. She meets taxi driver Eun Seol, who has a rare heart condition that would make his heart stop at any moment. Eun Seol decides to help May find the answers to her past – and focus on living instead preparing every day for his impending death.

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Menculik Miyabi

Film kidnaping miyab / Menculik Miyabi

Merupakan film komedi dewasa Indonesia yang dirilis pada 6 Mei 2010 yang disutradarai oleh Findo Purwono HW. Film ini dibintangi antara lain oleh Maria Ozawa dan Nicky Tirta.

Full Movie Menculik Miyabi


Maria Ozawa, seorang bintang iklan ternama di Jepang mendapat tugas untuk memberikan hadiah pemenang kuis langsung ke Jakarta. Rencana keberangkatan Maria ini ia tulis di blog pribadinya, yang ternyata dibaca oleh tiga anak muda Kevin, Bimo dan Aan. Berita ini membuat Bimo dan Aan semangat dan memaksa Kevin untuk menjemput Maria di bandara. Kevin yang sedang lesu karena diancam Mike, untuk menjauhi Jessica, gadis yang sudah ia cintai sejak ia TK, akhirnya menurut untuk pergi melihat Maria secara langsung. Namun gara-gara ramainya para penggemar Maria di bandara, terjadi kekacauan. Seorang gadis Taiwan, Mie Yao Bie, disangka Miyabi. Alhasil gadis itu dikejar-kejar dan Aan yang ingin menjadi pahlawan di mata Maria, memaksa Kevin dan Bimo "menyelamatkan" Mie Yao Bie dari kejaran penggemar. Mie Yao Bie tentu saja mengamuk, menyangka Kevin cs adalah penculik. Sementara itu, Aan dan Bimo melihat kecantikan Mie Yao Bie melihat peluang untuk memenangkan pertaruhan dengan Mike. Mike memang memberi syarat, kalau Kevin cs tidak bisa membawa gadis cantik ke party, maka Kevin harus menjauhi Jessica seumur hidup. Sementara itu, Jes

Sex Is Zero

Film  Sex Is Zero

Adalah film drama-komedi buatan Korea Selatan yang dirilis pada tahun 2002. Film ini dibintangi oleh Lim Chang-jung, Ha Ji-won, dan Yoo Chae-yeong. Film ini bergaya komedi seperti American Pie, film yang mengeksploitasikan tentang kehidupan anak kuliahan, yang mengarah kepada sebuah kasus kriminalitas yang serius. Tiket bioskop Sex is Zero telah terjual lebih dari 4 juta tiket di Korea Selatan, menjadikannya film terfavorit ke-5 pada tahun 2002.

Sekuel film ini berjudul Sex Is Zero 2, telah dirilis pada bulan Desember 2007. Sex Is Zero 2 sebagian besar pemerannya adalah pemeran dari film terdahulu.

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