
The Butterfly

The Butterfly 

Merupakan sebuah film Indonesia yang dirilis pada tahun 2007. Film yang disutradarai oleh Nayato Fio Nuola ini dibintangi antara lain oleh Andhika Pratama, Debby Kristy, dan Poppy Sovia. Tayangan perdananya pada 10 Desember 2007.

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Film ini berkisah tentang sebuah perjalanan tiga orang sahabat yaitu Fano (Andhika Pratama), Tia (Poppy Sovia), dan Desi (Debby Kristy) dalam pencarian jati diri dan mencari makna kehidupan bagi mereka. Persahabatan mereka diawali dengan pertemuan yang tidak disengaja di saat awal masuk kuliah. Walaupun mereka memiliki karakter yang sangat jauh berbeda satu sama lain, tapi itu semua tidak menghalangi persahabatan mereka.
Tia, anak tunggal yang tomboy. Dia tidak menginginkan ibunya, yang hidup seorang diri, memiliki pasangan lagi. Desi, yang datang dari keluarga kurang harmonis, sudah lama mengidap penyakit leukemia. Sikap Tia yang terlalu sayang dan protektif terhadap dirinya, membuat Desi memiliki ketergantungan kepadanya. Permasalahan mulai timbul saat Fano jatuh hati pada Desi. Sedangkan, Desi tahu Tia sangat menyukai Vano. Akhirnya Desi dan Tia sepakat hanya menjadikan Fano sebagai sahabat. Pada ulang tahunnya yang ke-20, Desi merencanakan sebuah perjalanan panjang bersama Tia dan Vano. Tia dan Fano langsung setuju.
Mereka berharap perjalanan ini akan menjadi hiburan bagi Desi yang tertekan akibat konflik di keluarganya yang semakin memburuk. Di tengah-tengah perjalanan, tiba-tiba Desi sakit. Tia dan Fano memutuskan untuk kembali ke Jakarta, tapi Desi menolak dan tetap ingin melanjutkan perjalanan. Di sinilah muncullah konflik-konflik hati yang membuat mereka bertiga belajar tentang hidup, persahabatan dan cinta dalam suka dan duka.

My Wife Is a Gangster 3

My Wife is a Gangster 3 

(Hangul: 조폭 마누라 3; RR: Jopok manura 3) is a 2006 Korean film. It is a sequel to My Wife is a Gangster 2.
This movie, however bearing the My Wife is a Gangster title has little to no relation to the previous movies.

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Korean gangster Han Ki-Chul (Lee Beom-su) is put in charge by his Big Boss of looking after Lim Aryong (Shu Qi) who comes from Hong Kong. They expect Lim Aryong to be some big male gangster but she turns out to be a woman and acts very cold toward him and his associates. Moreover none of them speak her language and she doesn't understand Korean. A translator called Yeon-Hee arrives. She is immature and very scared of the gangsters so at the beginning, instead of translating Aryong's rather rude answers, she changes them to nice ones. Quickly, Aryong shows her fighting skills beating other bosses to save her companions. Ki-Chul and his associates who are rather unskilled, are impressed and become afraid of her while, upon finding that they are actually nice, she's trying to be more friendly. Her efforts are ruined by Yeon-Hee who, taking advantage of Aryoung's aura, 'translates' very threatening sentences.
Soon after, they are attacked by professional assassins. They think that they are after Ki-Chul while, as we know from the beginning, they want to kill Aryong who is the daughter of a boss in Hong Kong and is accused of having killed another boss, triggering a gangster war there. They then separate and Aryong and Ki-Chul's car is chased by the assassins but they manage to take refuge in his family. His parents believe that she is his girlfriend and give him a family necklace to give her. The assassins find her again but she overcomes them, especially the woman who really killed the boss. She then goes to meet her mother who is the reason why she chose to hide in Korea, but seeing that she found a new family and is happy, she gives up speaking to her.
After that, she leaves Korea despite Ki-Chul's confession, even if she accepts the necklace. In Hong Kong, her father dies from his injuries caused by an explosion decided by the other boss. Even though Ki-Chul comes to support her, she leaves to take revenge. She then fights the other boss's gangsters with success and eventually she faces the boss. After cheating, he was going to shoot her when Ki-Chul arrives, distracting him. The boss shoots Ki-Chul first, allowing Aryong to come close to him and to kill him. Ki-Chul is not dead but is going to leave Hong Kong. Aryong, after becoming the new boss, succeeding her father, is advised by her father's right-hand man not to let him leave, as did her father who let her mother leave and then regretted it all his life. She follows the advice, stopping him on his way to the airport with all her gangsters and proposes to Ki-Chul, the right-hand man making the translation (not always a very accurate one, like Yeon-Hee). Ki-Chul accepts it and they hug on the motorway

Crook (India)

Crook movie

is a 2010 Bollywood thriller film popularly known by the title of It's Good to be Bad! . The film stars Emraan Hashmi and Neha Sharma in the lead. It is directed by Mohit Suri and produced by Mukesh Bhatt . It was released on 8 October 2010. Before the release, the film was given an 'A' certificate from the Indian Censor Board . Mostly shot in Australia and South Africa , the film is based on the controversy regarding the allegedly racial attacks on Indian students in Australia between 2007 and 2010.

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Jai Dixit ( Emraan Hashmi ), an youngster who sells pirated DVDs. One day, his uncle Joseph ( Gulshan Grover ) catches him and changes his personality completely, also changes his name to Suraj Bhardwaj and sends him off to Australia . At the airport, he meets Romi Latti and Suhani ( Neha Sharma ), a young girl who has come to pick Romi up. Suraj gets attracted to Suhani, and therefore he pretends to be Romi and leaves with Suhani. When Suhani finds out that he is not the real Romi, Suraj makes a run into happy-go-lucky Goldie's flat, where he starts living. While Suraj visits a supermarket, he finds that Australians are attacking the Muslim shopkeeper, and approaches them with a gun, when one of the attackers points out "See no evil, hear no evil!", Suraj runs away. Suraj hides in Nicole's car. She works in a strip club named 'Duke's Club'.
Suraj decides to be Suhani's brother- Samarth's ( Arjan Bajwa ) driver. When Samarth's car breaks down, Suraj instead of helping tells Romi to go fix his car so Suhani and Suraj can spent a night together. Soon enough, Romi is attacked by Australians, and all the Indians start to protest, and suddenly Samarath attacks David (Suhani's friend) and police arrest Samarth. Suraj, not wanting to get involved in the mess, leaves from the venue. In the night Nicole tells everything about his brother, who was involved in every attack against Indian and tells Suraj not to bother, he is safe as long he is with her. She also tells that Samarth will be attacked when he will be released from the police custody. Suraj leaves her and goes to the police station and saves Samarth. Suraj and Suhani were shocked when doctor tells them that Samarth is in coma. In between, police arrests one of the attacker. Suhani agrees to be the lone witness of the attack and goes to the police station. Before they process, Police gets information about Suraj's original identity as Jai Dixit. Before police gets to him, he departs from the police station. Suraj and Suhani leave for David's home. Samarth and Romi both kill few Australians and Indian couples and blow up a club. Suhani tells Suraj that Samarth kidnapped Nicole and asks him to save Nicole. Only that would stop all this violence. When Suraj reaches at Nicole Home, he gets hit by Samarth and learns Samarth's plan to murder Nicole and blame the murder on him. Suraj tries to make Samarth understand but he doesn't come out of his mental disability about the violence. He fires Suraj but Romi kills Samarth and saves Nicole. This event brings a new era of friendship between Indians and Australians.

Jakarta ( korean Movie )

Jakarta Movie

Adalah sebuah film komedi Korea yang dirilis 30 Desember 2010. Film berdurasi 96 menit ini dibintangi Im Chang-Jeong, Kim Se-Jun, Jin Hee-Gyeong, dan disutradarai oleh Jung Cho Shin

Diceritakan : 

Pada suatu Selasa pagi, seorang Vice President sebuah bank datang mengunjungi banknya untuk melihat apakah semuanya berjalan dengan baik. Namun niat sebenarnya ternyata adalah mencuri uang dari brankas untuk membayar utang. Pada saat yang sama, tiga perampok telah berhasil menggali lobang tepat di bawah ruang brankas di bawah kantor bank tersebut.

Saat memasuki ruang brankas, sang Vice President kaget setengah mati karena ada perampok yang sudah menduluinya. Rencananya langsung diubah seketika. Sang Vice President memukuli perampok yang tertangkap basah itu, mengambil tas penuh uang dan memutuskan untuk “membawa” si perampok ke “kantor polisi” sendirian. Rencananya untuk mencuri uang dibuat makin mudah berkat adanya perampok malang itu.

Tapi rencana itu gagal total setelah dua orang polisi–yang sesungguhnya adalah kelompok perampok lain yang juga berencana merampok bank dengan modus menyamar sebagai polisi–datang. Mereka “menangkap” sang Vice President dan si tersangka dan akan membawa mereka ke “kantor polisi” untuk diinterogasi. Polisi gadungan ini membawa keduanya ke sebuah tempat persembunyian tapi gagal membawa barang bukti tas berisi uang hasil perampokan karena keburu diamankan salah seorang karyawan bank. Mereka memutuskan untuk tetap di tempat persembunyian dan karena kehabisan gagasan untuk mendapatkan uang, akhirnya menjadikan sang Vice President sebagai korban penculikan dan meminta uang tebusan sebagai gantinya.

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My Boss, My Hero

My Boss, My Hero 

(Korean: 두사부일체, Dusabu ilchae) is a 2001 South Korean film. It is the first of a trilogy with My Boss, My Teacher in 2006 and The Mafia, The Salesman in 2007.


This gangster comedy tells of a successful young mobster who has taken over the fashionable Myeongdong district of Seoul. When he mistakes the poet Yun Tong-ju for a liquor similar to dongdongju, his gang decides the boss's ignorance is an embarrassment. The gang takes up a collection and puts the boss back in high school

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